My Hubby

My Hubby

Friday, March 12, 2010


First I would like to introduce myself... I am Angel... I am married to a man that I want to punch sometimes. I have three children, two boys: Jonathan who is 9 and Giovanni who is 4: and my daughter Lilith who is three months old. Unfortunately I did something stupid and trusted the wrong person so my boys live with their dad.
My hubby, Shawn works and I stay home with our daughter, his younger brother Scott and his girlfriend Kaiya live ith us, not something I am used to.... especially since Scott is a truck driver and is gone most of the time, so Kaiya is home, she sleeps all day, but we will get to that.
Shawn also has a loser sister, Sharon, that has a son that is turning 7 and is still not enrolled in kindergarten... and she is pregnant with another baby.
His other brother, Steven, was the smart one and got as far away from them as possible, he can have a normal life now... we won't be talking about him other than to say he was a good kid.

My hubby and I have been fighting lately because Kaiya sleeps all day and never helps clean the house. Scott had just been home for a week and I get tired of cleaning upafter everyone so we asked her to do the dishes, Scott did half of them before he left on the road again and we wrote on the dry erase board that she had to finish them that night. She erased it without completing the task and left with her mom. So, I wrote it again, my husband and I went to the store and came back and she had erasedit again... so we asked her why she erased it if it wasn't done yet, her exact words were, "I know what I need to do."
So the next morning I get up and the dishes are still there, I get a call from the landlord she would be by in 10 minutes to have her son repair our broken light, so of course there is no time to clean up and how embarrasing to have this lady in my house when it looked so filthy. Her and her son left to Home Depot to but a new fixture since that one had a short, so I quickly cleaned up the kitchen and it was sparkling by the time the landlord came back. Kaiya didn't get up until 4 pm that day.

That was fight number one with me and my hubby because I believe that she should have to help since she pays no rent, doesn't work and just lays around all day. I told him it isn't fair for me to have to clean up after her, she is 19 and needs to be responsible for herself, my hubby told me, and I quote, "It isn't about fair, it's about you doing your job."
See Scott tries really hard and a lot of the time barely makes enough money to be able to pay my husband the rent he owes and I don't think it helps knowing that your fiance, ys they are engaged, is such a lazy ass. So we basically support them both.

Is it fair that sometimes I have days where our daughter is extra work and I get called lazy if I had to wait until my hubby gets home to clean up, but no one says anything to Kaiya who sleeps all day and won't even get up to put her stupid dog outside so it pees and poos in her room?

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